Thursday, May 27, 2010


"Do you doubt?," was the question asked me recently. The asker was wondering about my response to our delayed departure and awaiting our visas for NZ. My response: "No, it's just that I'm not sovereign and don't know the will of the Lord until it happens. Ultimately, we won't know the will of the Lord regarding our ministry in NZ until we are standing there ministering."

I was reminded from the conversation about trust and faith. We have the privilege of trusting and putting our faith in what God has already said. This is faith - believing what He has said. To doubt, and thereby to not expect to receive anything from God (Jas 1) is to not believe His revelation. So, while we await our visas and the revelation of God's will in this regard, we trust what He has already revealed in His Word and rest knowing that does have our best for us today and we are privileged to trust that today.

This Sunday will be our send off by Christ Community - it would be great if we had visas in hand!

1 comment:

starbucksgirl said...

Exactly. Good response. Since we are not sovereign and don't know the will of the Lord we rest in His care.

Excited about your opportunities in New Zealand. Really looking forward to reading your updates while you begin to minister there.

Much love to you guys,
The Websters