Friday, November 30, 2012

Welcome Summer!

Well, our last post revealed that we were having to relocate again (after having only been in our house for nine months). The Lord was gracious and provided a lovely home just around the corner. With the move now complete, we are busy unpacking and getting settled. It is also a busy time around The Shepherd's Bible College, with Graduation taking place this Saturday.
Micah's school year is wrapping up too! He has one and a half weeks of school left, though the calendar indicates that summer officially begins tomorrow. Today, I could have had a fire going! It was pretty cold. Fire...Yeah! We have a woodburner in the 'new' house! So excited about that! Heating was one reason we began contemplating moving before our landlord told us that he was selling. We were so cold over the winter and spent hundreds of dollars on electricity for inefficient heating. Needless to say our ministry is busy and very fulfilling. To God be the glory, great things He hath done.