Sunday, February 21, 2010

Home Inspection

Well, this morning the home inspector came for the inspection. Armed with camera, clipboard and and an attention to detail, he set about taking pictures, noting this and that and doing what an inspector does. Also along came the buyer, their renter (a relative) and their realtor. Traci had opportunity to chat with the ladies (the buyer and sister-in-law, who'll be renting), while the men tagged along with the inspector. The ladies had opportunity to chat about schools, parks, stores, and the like. The inspector was very impressed by our home (PTL). Yet another example of how our good and great God has gone before us. The realtor and buyer sat at our plastic folding table (now our dining table) and signed documents. (Remember, I mentioned that our furniture is flying right on out of the house...such was the case with our dining room set)? The buyer himself purchased a massage chair we had for sale...and he left it here (which means, we can use it until we move).

Saturday, February 20, 2010


The long awaited FBI clearance arrived in today's mail! While brief, it stated that we have no criminal history! Yee Ha! Next week, we'll set about trying to find a medical facility to perform the necessary medical exams. Our household belongings continue to fly right on out of the house. Soon, we'll begin packing!

Thanks for your interest in this journey and of course for your prayers!

Friday, February 12, 2010


Last night was one of those nights of special blessing. Our lad started to cough about 1 and it didn't let up till about 2:30. And this after a late start to bed for the third day and a hard time falling asleep - he finally made it about 11. PTL - God reminded me, I was simply awake, the lad was the one suffering with a lack of sleep and a nasty cough! Well, the rest of the night was peaceful til about 6 AM when he started again. But, just a little while ago he called to let me know things had "cleared out" (sparing you the details) and all is well.
Thanking the Lord for ................................................... oh, excuse me, must have nodded off! Thanking the Lord for special blessings!

A Father's Love?

Gen 48
On goes the adventure for Joseph and for the Lord's people. As we come to the end of Jacob's days we see the passing of the baton. To stay with the theme of looking at the minor's, I was struck with the "who" of the blessing and the response of Joseph. Jacob pulls Joe's boys into being his own, according to the plan of God (v. 5). Now it's time for the blessing and of course Joseph is sure to put the older on the right of his dad and the younger to the left (13). But, now the ever surprising work of God unfolds. Jacob crosses his arms to lay the primary blessing on the younger - Ephraim (14). Now for the father's love - Joseph is "displeased" (17) and tries to correct the situation (18). But father knows best and assures Joseph that all is right. Right? How can it be right? The blessing has gone to the younger, not the older.

We can only conjecture, but was Joseph so concerned because of his own experiences? He was the loved one and the blessed one by Jacob, so many years ago. Joseph had lived out the consequences of that. And though he had seen the good hand of God and understood how it was God's work, it seems the heart of a father is seen here as he reflects back and looks forward and sees the blessing going to the younger. Perhaps Joseph thought, "Will he have to suffer as I have?"

How am I doing? As some know, we have some unexpected blessings with our son, but even if we didn't. What a reminder to not assume I know the best for him when I see things I don't think are right. Alas, I must rest in the Sovereign and know that as He works and moves, it is all perfect and the absolute best... even if it causes pain. On we go - what can we say, but "bring it!"

Thursday, February 11, 2010

House update

The good hand of our God continues to move and work and He has been pleased once again to show us a bit of His handiwork. On Monday we had 4 offers which turned to 5 by Tuesday! We met with our Realtor, considered the options and signed with what we believe to be the best situation. So, we are officially in escrow! Our God is good... so good... amazingly good... sovereignly good!

The Plot Thickeneth...

Gen 47:
So, the family is gathering and the usual lessons are continuing. On the minor lessons though, things continue to get more interesting... albeit unexpectedly.
Gen 46 ends with, "for every shepherd is loathsome to the Egyptians." Why did the Lord include this? His sovereign hand using every situation and even every wrinkle of every situation continues to provide marvel and amazement. Here's the slave turned jailbird turned sovereign (not in the capital sense), Joseph, who is entrusted with caring for no minor affair - the country. His family shows up (the major lesson of God's sovereign care) and now we are introduced to one of the lessons for Pharaoh and his nation. This man who has been put in charge not only has the amazing background we all know, but comes from a family of shepherds. The Egyptians now know that they are reporting to one who is not only not one of them, not only a former slave and so much more, but he is from a family of the worst type - shepherds. Now the excellence of the hand of the Lord on this young man Joseph becomes even more apparent. It didn't even seem to matter that the fam was from this most loathsome of occupations. Oh the lessons... I must mention just a bit - obviously the background doesn't matter, but the work of God does. We don't have to be able to name drop, or come from certain stock. We have to serve the Lord, follow Him fully, rest in His sovereignty and allow Him to make of us what He will. I have much more, but it's probably best for us to ponder the principles...

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Still waiting...

It's been a rainy Saturday in So Cal, but still we had two prospective buyers come through our home today. Lord willing, we will have an offer soon.
We also await our FBI security clearance. It should be within the next month. Then we can get our physicals, turn in all our paperwork and await NZ immigration.
Our times are in the Lord's hands...

Gen 45 - How's Your Serve?

Joseph sees the purposes of the Lord and expresses the rock solid trust in the Lord that provides us a main lesson of Joseph. However, I was struck today by the service of Joseph. How does the employee know when he has done his job with excellence - he is recognized. How do we know Joseph served the Lord with his whole heart? He served Pharaoh with all he had. How do we know Pharaoh was pleased? Vv. 16-20 - Pharaoh would give the best of Egypt to the family of his servant. I wonder, how is my service...
