Sunday, February 21, 2010

Home Inspection

Well, this morning the home inspector came for the inspection. Armed with camera, clipboard and and an attention to detail, he set about taking pictures, noting this and that and doing what an inspector does. Also along came the buyer, their renter (a relative) and their realtor. Traci had opportunity to chat with the ladies (the buyer and sister-in-law, who'll be renting), while the men tagged along with the inspector. The ladies had opportunity to chat about schools, parks, stores, and the like. The inspector was very impressed by our home (PTL). Yet another example of how our good and great God has gone before us. The realtor and buyer sat at our plastic folding table (now our dining table) and signed documents. (Remember, I mentioned that our furniture is flying right on out of the house...such was the case with our dining room set)? The buyer himself purchased a massage chair we had for sale...and he left it here (which means, we can use it until we move).

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