Well, in our last post we had snow. And, within days of that post, the weather began to turn warm (fine up, as the Kiwi's say). At present, we are experiencing cool mornings (and still the odd frost), with gloriously warm and sunny days. The garden is all but planted and we are enjoying longer days. But, life and ministry are as busy as ever. Greg is teaching two courses, Old Testament II and Biblical Counseling. Traci continues to co-lead a small group at the ladies Bible study and is preparing to teach the ladies study September 21 and 28 on the subject of the tongue. She continues to meet with three college gals on a weekly basis. Micah's school year continues to progress. Life is full and ministry rewarding.
In mid July, our new landlords moved onto the property. Micah is enjoying having boys to play with, as they have an 11-year old and a 12-year old. In the second photo, Micah and Chris are atop a wooden sculpture in our front yard, playing with an Ipod. They have begun to make changes to the landscape as well. Just yesterday, they brought home two three week old kids (first photo). We are told that two adult emus will be joining us next week. They are also rearing six baby chicks which will be introduced to the chicken pen in the coming weeks. The chickens have been getting a bit of freedom of late, having a bit of a wander around the yard (last photo taken in our front yard).
Oh, and we are in the midst of the Rugby World Cup, which began on Friday with a very impressive opening ceremony. As the host nation, this is a huge deal for New Zealand. And we confess, it was quite exciting to see the All Blacks whoop Tonga in the opening match.
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