Monday, November 1, 2010


What's in a haircut? Sometimes, very little. You just have to get it done and get on with life. Today's was not just that. In fact the cutter asked, "do you like getting your haircut?" I thought, that's an odd question, but I think it was noticed that I was off somewhere, deep in thought. Today's was an opportunity. An opportunity to display the goodness of God to the unsaved. Beyond that, an opportunity to ponder a bit. Our Lord has been so good to us, particularly good during these brief weeks we have been in NZ. It was an opportunity to take a moment and ponder the display of God's love and goodness in our life. He has brought us so much, brought so many details together, brought so many new relationships and so many new opportunities. One of those is the continued opportunity to train up our son. Seems a bit of mischief has been about in his life and this afternoon will be an opportunity to draw him back and continue to point him in the direction he should go. How good of our God to provide another opportunity for instruction and learning. Our God is indeed a good God, in fact the one and only good God.

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