Friday, February 12, 2010

A Father's Love?

Gen 48
On goes the adventure for Joseph and for the Lord's people. As we come to the end of Jacob's days we see the passing of the baton. To stay with the theme of looking at the minor's, I was struck with the "who" of the blessing and the response of Joseph. Jacob pulls Joe's boys into being his own, according to the plan of God (v. 5). Now it's time for the blessing and of course Joseph is sure to put the older on the right of his dad and the younger to the left (13). But, now the ever surprising work of God unfolds. Jacob crosses his arms to lay the primary blessing on the younger - Ephraim (14). Now for the father's love - Joseph is "displeased" (17) and tries to correct the situation (18). But father knows best and assures Joseph that all is right. Right? How can it be right? The blessing has gone to the younger, not the older.

We can only conjecture, but was Joseph so concerned because of his own experiences? He was the loved one and the blessed one by Jacob, so many years ago. Joseph had lived out the consequences of that. And though he had seen the good hand of God and understood how it was God's work, it seems the heart of a father is seen here as he reflects back and looks forward and sees the blessing going to the younger. Perhaps Joseph thought, "Will he have to suffer as I have?"

How am I doing? As some know, we have some unexpected blessings with our son, but even if we didn't. What a reminder to not assume I know the best for him when I see things I don't think are right. Alas, I must rest in the Sovereign and know that as He works and moves, it is all perfect and the absolute best... even if it causes pain. On we go - what can we say, but "bring it!"

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