Gen 39 today - we're all familiar with the usuals - Joseph is serving Potiphar, Potiphar's wife's deception and Joseph's imprisonment. I dwelt on verses 1-6 today. God's providence in having the captain of the bodyguard in need of a slave and having Joseph at the slave market that day and working in Potiphar to choose Joseph. I'll stop there before too much spiritualization is done in comparing this to us and God choosing us out of the slave market (1 Pet 1:18-19). Verse 2 tells us that God was with Joseph and verse 3 makes sure we get it, because God made sure Potipher saw that it was the Lord who was at work. So, as the story goes, by the time we are in v. 5 (some time later in Joseph's life) the Lord had blessed the Egyptian's house on account of Joseph.
May it be a reminder of the influence we can have. If God be for us, who can be against us (Rom 8:31) and so as we live for Him, He can use us to have an influence we may never believe.
Now to Him who is able... comes to mind.
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