FOR SALE!?! Yes, our landlord told us a couple of weeks ago that he had decided to sell our house. So, we have begun the arduous task of fielding contacts from realtors as well as looking for a place to relocate to. "How hard can it be?" one asks. Well, it doesn't seem like it would be that difficult, but wading through all the online listings is one thing. Scheduling an appointment to view the house is another thing. Then, determining if we could make it work, given the area the house is located in, the size of the house, the individual features of the house and so on, is an entirely different matter.
We are confident the Lord has something out there for us...we just have to be diligent to look, to pursue any potential properties, and wait on Him to show us the right one.

Micah has just started his fourth and final term of school for this year. After a two week holiday, he had three days of school and then another public holiday (Labour Day), resulting in five days off. Over the school holiday, we were able to go away for a couple of nights, spending a day touring Wellington. We had a lovely time.
Greg continues with his ministry at The Shepherd's Bible College. We have started a home Bible Study (known as a Koinonia Team). The dynamics of that will surely change some with our pending move. Greg is also being considered as a church elder, a process which is still in progress. Traci continues to lead one of the ladies Bible study groups, as well as being involved in the discipling of several college gals. She is also about six weeks from completing a correspondence course in proofreading and editing through New Zealand Institute of Business Studies, which she began in February of this year.
That's all for this time...